Spring 2025 Registration is now open

Registration for the 2025 Intermural Spring Season is currently open (please click register link on the left):

This spring, we intend to offer programs for the following age groups, pending sufficient demand and availability of volunteer coaches:

  • Boys in the following grades:
    • 3/4 – Coordinator: Brett Gordon (bjg71988@gmail.com)
    • 5/6 – Coordinator: Bob Lynch (rt_lynch@hotmail.com)
    • 7/8 – Coordinator: Brett Gordon (bjg71988@gmail.com)
    • 9/10 – Coordinator: John Thomas (johnt7797@gmail.com)
    • 11/12 – Coordinator: Chris Contudis (ccontoudis@gmail.com)
  • Girls in the following grades:
    • 3/4/5 – Coordinator: Jen Unrath (jec0913@gmail.com)
    • 6/7/8/9 – Coordinator: Sam Bowlan (lisasam421@gmail.com)

As always, our programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD).  Do not register your son/daughter for this program if you do not reside in CRSD or the registration will be canceled, and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

All games will be in CRSD gyms. The Spring league is targeted to run from Mid-April to early June with games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday. Teams will play 1-2 games per week (With a goal of 10 games per team) and WILL NOT have practices. Our anticipated (but not guaranteed) nights for games are as follows:

  • 3/4 Boys: Mondays & Wednesdays
  • 5/6 Boys: Tuesdays & Thursdays & Fridays
  • 7/8 Boys: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays (We anticipate a big group!)
  • 9/10 Boys: Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • 11/12 Boys: Mondays & Wednesdays
  • 3/4/5 Girls: Tuesdays & Thursdays & Fridays
  • 6/7/8/9 Girls: Mondays & Wednesdays

Again, these are our anticipated schedule days but the actual schedule may vary depending on gym availability and exclusion nights from the district. We cannot honor player requests to play or not play on a given night. “Friend requests” will not be taken into consideration when forming teams.

Thanks for your support


2024 – Mandatory IM Evaluations (Boys Grades 4-8; Girls 4-9)

CRBA Parents (Boys Grades 4-8; Girls 4-9)

If your child is playing our intramural programs in the grades listed above, please take a minute or two to read this email in its entirety as it contains important information about the upcoming intramural evaluations. In grades 4-8 boys and 4-9 girls, the intramural teams will be formed by a draft.  All players in these age groups should attend the evaluations for their age group.  This includes players who tried out for a travel team but did not make it and will be playing in our intramural programs.  

The evaluations are not tryouts; they are a tool to help the coaches form the most competitively balanced teams possible.

To make things easier for our volunteers who run the evaluation, we have split some of the larger groups so we don’t have so many kids in the gym.  Please bring your son or daughter at the appropriate time frame based on the schedule below.

Wed October 23rd 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 6th,7th,8th & 9th-grade girls w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 6th,7th,8th & 9th-grade girls w/ last name M-Z

Thurs October 24th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 6th grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 6th grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Tues October 29th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 8th grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 8th grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Wed October 30th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 5th grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 5th grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Mon November 4th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 7th grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 7th grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Wed November 6th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 4th grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 4th grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Thurs November 7th 2024 at Holland Middle School

  • 6:00-6:55 pm – 4th & 5th grade girls w/ last name A-L
  • 7:05-8:00 pm – 4th & 5th grade girls w/ last name M-Z

The following information will help things go more smoothly, please keep reading.

Please do not let your child bring a basketball into the school the night of the tryout, leave all the balls at home.  We have all the balls that are needed for the evaluations in the gym, and we don’t even let kids bring their own balls into the gym for the evaluations.  Every year we are asked by the schools to ask the players not to bounce their balls in the hallway.  The evaluation nights are no different.  (another reason to make sure your child does not bring their ball to the evaluations.)

Please enter the Holland Middle School gym (and building) using the door that faces East Holland Road to the right of the building.  This is the door that says something like “Athletics and Fine Arts” above the door. Please have the children arrive 10 minutes early so we can get their height before they go into the gym.There are no parents or siblings allowed in the gym during evaluations.  Just the coaches and other adult volunteers helping them.

The teams will be formed in early November. Please wait until at least November 15th to contact the league if you have not heard from your child’s coach by then.

 As a final note, while some age groups are full, others are still sending out final wait-list codes for registration in the next several days. Please be patient while we finalize our enrollment for the season.



24-25 Winter In-House Program Registration NOW OPEN

Registration for Council Rock Basketball Association’s 24-25 Winter program for girls and boys intramural is currently open. Please click on the registration button on the left to register your child.

This is the season that will run from November 2024 through March 2025. Registration is first come, first serve. Once a group fills up, registration will close for that group. In any case, registration will likely close on or before October 11, 2024. All registrations must be done online; no walk-in or paper registrations will be accepted.

As was the case in past years, there will be player evaluations for intramural players in grades 5-8 (boys & girls). These are evaluations, not tryouts. The evaluations are used to try to form the most balanced teams possible to make for the most competitive season. All players who register for the intramural program will be placed on a team, even if they miss the evaluation night. The intramural evaluation dates are not yet set, but will likely be sometime between October 21-30.

All players attending an evaluation must be registered for that age group prior to the evaluations. If your child is not registered prior to the evaluations, he or she will not be permitted to participate. If you have specific questions about a particular age group, please contact the appropriate age group coordinator.

As per my previous communication, our 24-25 Travel Program is also open for registration. PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR BOTH PROGRAMS. Any players not placed on a travel team will have a guaranteed spot in the IM Program (pending coach availability), and will be provided an opportunity to register after final travel teams are formed. For more info on the travel program please see more details here: https://councilrockbasketballassociation.com/category/travel/

As many of you know, our ability to provide this program for our community is made possible by the thousands of volunteer hours our tireless coaches, coordinators, and board members dedicate every season. However, in recent years our ability to field teams has been constrained by the number of coach volunteers we have available at each group. In part as a thank-you, and in part to encourage new volunteers, we’d like to offer 1 head coach per team a $50 discount on their child’s registration (to be provided as a refund after final teams are formed and rosters are selected.) If you’re interested in coaching this upcoming season please indicate your interest when you register your child, and you will be contacted by your assigned age group coordinator if selected.

Last, all Council Rock Basketball Association’s programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD). Do not register your child for one of our programs if you do not reside in CRSD. The registration will be canceled and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

Additional information concerning the league and the answers to many questions about the league can be found on our website under the “Common Questions” tab: https://councilrockbasketballassociation.com/faq/.

CRBA Travel Tryouts Open for 24-25 Season

Registration is now open for travel team tryouts for the 2024-25 Winter Season.

All tryouts are at Holland Middle School, see schedule below:

3rd Boys – 9/18, 6 – 7PM / 9/26, 6-7PM

4th Boys – 9/16, 6-7PM / 9/25, 6-7PM

5th Boys – 9/16, 7-8PM / 9/26, 7-8PM

6th Boys – 9/16, 8-9PM / 9/26 8-9PM

7th Boys – 9/18, 7-8PM / 9/25 8-9PM

8th Boys – 9/18, 8-9PM / 9/25, 7-8PM

3rd Girls – 9/19, 6-7PM / 9/24, 6-7PM

4th Girls – 9/17, 6-7PM / 9/23, 6-7PM

5th Girls – 9/19, 7-8PM, 9/24 7-8PM

6th Girls – 9/19, 8-9PM, 9/24 8-9PM

7th Girls – 9/17, 7-8PM, 9/23 8-9PM

8th Girls – 9/17 8-9PM, 9/23 7-8PM

Note: Please arrive 15 minutes before your assigned session to ensure you can get checked-in. Please DO NOT bring a basketball.

You can register here on the CRBA website by clicking the registration button on the left.

There is a $20 non-refundable tryout fee for each player trying out. 

This program is open to boys and girls in 3rd through 8th grades.

We will field a minimum of 1 team per age group and 2 teams in some age groups based on gym availability, ability of players trying out at each age group, and volunteer coaches.

CRBA Travel is the most competitive and intensive program we offer and requires a higher level of commitment from players and parents alike.  It would be expected that this team come first at the start of the season. Formal practices begin in early November, and the season typically concludes by early to mid-March, depending on how successful the team is. 

Most travel teams will practice 2 times per week and will usually play at least 2 games per week during the season. Some teams may also play in tournaments, which are scheduled at the coach’s discretion.

More details on the travel program will be posted on our website in the coming days.

All players for the upcoming season are REQUIRED to attend a minimum of 1 tryout for their age group, but ATTENDING BOTH TRYOUTS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to give the coaches and program coordinators the best chance to effectively evaluate all of the players.

The schedule for tryouts will be posted on the CRBA website once we know the gym availability.

Please direct any questions about our travel program to Ryan Becker (rbeckernd@gmail.com), Jim Greenberg (jgreenbe@hhsd.org) or Jerry Bradbury (ccmblgb@gmail.com). Additionally, we are currently seeking coaching candidates for our 3rd Grade Girls and 3rd Grade Boys teams. If you are interested, please also reach out to Ryan, Jim, and Jerry.

Intramural or “in-house” registration for the winter program is NOT YET OPEN and will be opened shortly following Labor Day weekend. Spaces will be reserved in our “in-house” program for players who try out but are not selected to make one of the travel teams.

Thank you for your interest and continued support of CRBA Basketball! We are looking forward to another great season!

2025 Summer League Registration Now Open through 6/1

Registration for the 2024 Summer Season is currently open on our website at https://councilrockbasketballassociation.com/ (Click on the “Register Link” on the left.)

This summer we intend to offer programs for the following age groups pending sufficient demand, and availability of volunteer coaches:

  • Current 3rd & 4th (Rising 4th & 5th) Grade Boys
  • Current 5th & 6th (Rising 6th & 7th) Grade Boys
  • Current 7th & 8th (Rising 8th & 9th) Grade Boys
  • Current 9th, 10th, 11th (Rising 10th, 11th, 12th) Grade Boys
  • Current 3rd, 4th, 5th (Rising 4th, 5th, 6th) Grade Girls
  • Current 6th, 7th, 8th (Rising 7th, 8th, 9th) Grade Girls

Our summer program is NOT offered to 2nd-grade (rising 3rd-grade) Boys and Girls, nor is it offered to our graduating 12th-grade boys. 

As always, our programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD).  Do not register your son/daughter for this program if you do not reside in CRSD or the registration will be canceled, and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

All games will be outdoors at either the Civic Center or the outdoor courts at CR-South High School. The Summer league is targeted to run from Mid-June – 1st week in August with games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday evenings. The nights on which any group will play have not yet been determined and will depend on the number of teams.  There will be no practices.  We are targeting a total of 8 games per group + playoffs, however inclement weather may impact the total number of games played by each group.

Because games will not be played on a set night, “exclusion night” requests will NOT be honored.  Also, please do not include a “friend request” as part of your child’s registration.  “Friend requests” will NOT be taken into consideration when forming teams.

Thanks for your support


2024 Spring League Registration

Registration for the 2024 Spring Season is currently open (please click register link on the left)

This spring, we intend to offer programs for the following age groups, pending sufficient demand and availability of volunteer coaches:

Boys in the following grades: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12

Girls in the following grades: 2/3/4, 5/6/7/8

As always, our programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD).  Do not register your son/daughter for this program if you do not reside in CRSD or the registration will be canceled, and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

All games will be in CRSD gyms. The Spring league is targeted to run from Mid-April to early June with games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday. The nights on which any group will play have not yet been determined and will depend on number of teams.  There will be no practices.  We are targeting a total of 10 games per group + playoffs.

Because games will not be played on set night, “exclusion night” requests will NOT be honored.  Also, please do not include a “friend request” as part of your child’s registration.  “Friend requests” will NOT be taken into consideration when forming teams.

Thanks for your support


2023 – Mandatory IM Evaluations (Boys Grades 5-9; Girls 4-9) – **UPDATED**

***Please see updates / changes in RED below***

CRBA Parents (Boys Grades 5-9; Girls 4-9)

If your child is playing our intramural programs in the grades listed above, please take a minute or two to read this email in its entirety as it contains important information about the upcoming intramural evaluations. 
In grades 5-9 boys and 4-9 girls, the intramural teams will be formed by a draft.  All players in these age groups should attend the evaluations for their age group.  This includes players who tried out for a travel team but did not make it and will be playing in our intramural programs.  

The evaluations are not tryouts; they are a tool to help the coaches form the most competitively balanced teams possible.  If you have any questions regarding the evaluations, please contact your child’s grade level coordinator, who can be found on the website at the following link:  https://councilrockbasketballassociation.com/contact-grade-group-coordinator/

To make things easier for our volunteers who run the evaluation, we have split some of the larger groups so we don’t have so many kids in the gym.  Please bring your son or daughter at the appropriate time frame based on the schedule below.

Thur. October 26th 2023 at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 4th & 5th grade girls w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 4th & 5th grade girls w/ last name M-Z

Fri. October 27th 2023 at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 6th,7th,8th &9th-grade girls w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 6th,7th,8th &9th-grade girls w/ last name M-Z

Mon. October 30th at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 6th-grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 6th-grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Thurs. November 2nd at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 9th-grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 9th-grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Fri. November 3rd 2023 at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 8th-grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 8th-grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Mon. November 6th at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 7th-grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 7th-grade boys w/ last name M-Z

Wed. November 8th at Holland Middle School

  • 600-650 pm – 5th-grade boys w/ last name A-L
  • 700-750 pm – 5th-grade boys w/ last name M-Z

The following information will help things go more smoothly, please keep reading.

Please do not let your child bring a basketball into the school the night of the tryout, leave all the balls at home.  We have all the balls that are needed for the evaluations in the gym, and we don’t even let kids bring their own balls into the gym for the evaluations.  Every year we are asked by the schools to ask the players not to bounce their balls in the hallway.  The evaluation nights are no different.  (another reason to make sure your child does not bring their ball to the evaluations.)

Please enter the Holland Middle School gym (and building) using the door that faces East Holland Road to the right of the building.  This is the door that says something like “Athletics and Fine Arts” above the door. 
Please have the children arrive 10 minutes early so we can get their height before they go into the gym.
There are no parents or siblings allowed in the gym during evaluations.  Just the coaches and other adult volunteers helping them.

The teams will be formed during the last couple of weeks in October and first week in November.  Please wait until at least November 11th to contact the league if you have not heard from your child’s coach by then.

As a final note, while some age groups are full, others are still sending out final wait-list codes for registration in the next several days. Please be patient while we finalize our enrollment for the season.



CRBA IM (in-house) registration is now open

CRBA Family, 

Happy to share that registration for our 23-24 Winter program for girls (grades 2-9) and boys (grades 2 – 12) intramural is currently open, and filling up quickly! Please click on the registration button on the left to register.

This is the season that will run from November 2023 through March 2024. Registration is first come, first serve. Once a group fills up, registration will close for that group. In any case, registration will likely close on or before October 13, 2023. All registrations must be done online; no walk-in or paper registrations will be accepted.

As was the case in past years, there will be player evaluations for intramural players in grades 5-8 (boys & girls). These are evaluations, not tryouts. The evaluations are used to try to form the most balanced teams possible to make for the most competitive season. All players who register for the intramural program will be placed on a team, even if they miss the evaluation night. The intramural evaluation dates are not yet set, but will likely be sometime between October 9-20.

All players attending an evaluation must be registered for that age group prior to the evaluations. If your child is not registered prior to the evaluations, he or she will not be permitted to participate. If you have specific questions about a particular age group, please contact the appropriate age group coordinator.

As many of you know, our ability to provide this program for our community is made possible by the thousands of volunteer hours our tireless coaches, coordinators, and board members dedicate every season. However, in recent years our ability to field teams has been constrained by the number of coach volunteers we have available at each group. In part as a thank-you, and in part to encourage new volunteers, we’d like to offer 1 head coach per team a $50 discount on their child’s registration (to be provided as a refund after final teams are formed and rosters are selected.) If you’re interested in coaching this upcoming season please indicate your interest when you register your child, and you will be contacted by your assigned age group coordinator if selected. (All CRBA coaches must go through our background check process including a State Police Criminal Record Check & PA Child Abuse History Clearance.)

Last, all Council Rock Basketball Association’s programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD). Do not register your child for one of our programs if you do not reside in CRSD. The registration will be canceled and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

Additional information concerning the league and the answers to many questions about the league can be found on our website under the “Common Questions” tab: http://councilrockbasketballassociation.com/faq/.

Thank you.

CRBA Travel Registration now open for 23-24 Season

Registration is now open for travel team tryouts for the 23-24 Winter Season. You can register here on the CRBA website by clicking the link on the left rail. There is a $20 non-refundable tryout fee for each player trying out. 

We’re excited to expand our program this year to offer teams for boys and girls in 3rd grade. As in years past, we will offer teams at all grades from (now) 3rd through 8th grade. 

We will field a minimum of 1 team per age group and 2 teams in some age groups based on the availability of players and volunteer coaches.

CRBA Travel is the most competitive and intensive program we offer and requires a higher level of commitment from players and parents alike. Most travel teams will practice 2 x per week and play up to 2 games per week from November through mid-March. More details on the 23-24 travel program will be posted on our website in the coming days.

All players for the upcoming season are REQUIRED to attend a minimum of 1 tryout for their age group, but ATTENDING BOTH TRYOUTS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Please review the tryout schedule below:

3rd Grade Girls

Wed 9/20 6-7 at Holland Middle School

Fri 9/29 6-7 at Holland Middle School

4th Grade Girls

Thurs 9/21 6-7 at Holland Middle School

Tues 9/26 6-7 at Newtown Middle School

5th Grade Girls

Wed 9/20 7-8 at Holland Middle School

Fri 9/29 7-8 at Holland Middle School

6th Grade Girls

Thurs 9/21 7-8 at Holland Middle School

Tues 9/26 7-8 at Newtown Middle School

7th Grade Girls

Wed 9/20 8-9 at Holland Middle School

Fri 9/29 8-9 at Holland Middle School

8th Grade Girls

Thurs 9/21 8-9 at Holland Middle School

Tues 9/26 8-9 at Newtown Middle School

3rd Grade Boys

Mon 9/18 6-7 at Holland Middle School

Wed 9/27 7-8 at Holland Middle School

4th Grade Boys

Tues 9/19 6-7 at Newtown Middle School

Thurs 9/28 6-7 at Holland Middle School

5th Grade Boys

Tues 9/19 7-8 at Newtown Middle School

Thurs 9/28 7-8 at Holland Middle School

6th Grade Boys

Mon 9/18 7-8 at Holland Middle School

Wed 9/27 6-7 at Holland Middle School

7th Grade Boys

Tues 9/19 8-9 at Newtown Middle School

Thurs 9/28 8-9 at Holland Middle School

8th Grade Boys

Mon 9/18 8-9 at Holland Middle School

2nd Date TBD, if needed

Intermural or “in-house” registration for the winter program is NOT YET OPEN and will be opened in mid-September.

Please remember that our travel program (like all of our programs) is ONLY open to Council Rock School District residents. If non-CRSD residents register for any of our programs, their registration will be refunded. 

2023 Summer Registration Now Open

Registration for the 2023 Summer Season is currently open and can be accessed by clicking the “Register” link on the left side of this page.

This summer we intend to offer programs for the following age groups pending sufficient demand, and availability of volunteer coaches:

  • Current 3rd & 4th (Rising 4th & 5th) Grade Boys
  • Current 5th & 6th (Rising 6th & 7th) Grade Boys
  • Current 7th & 8th (Rising 8th & 9th) Grade Boys
  • Current 9th, 10th, 11th (Rising 10th, 11th, 12th) Grade Boys
  • Current 3rd, 4th, 5th (Rising 4th, 5th, 6th) Grade Girls
  • Current 6th, 7th, 8th (Rising 7th, 8th, 9th) Grade Girls

Our summer program is NOT offered to 2nd-grade (rising 3rd-grade) Boys and Girls, nor is it offered to our graduating 12th-grade boys. 

As always, our programs are ONLY open to residents in the Council Rock School District (CRSD).  Do not register your son/daughter for this program if you do not reside in CRSD or the registration will be canceled, and your registration fee will be refunded minus a processing fee.

All games will be outdoors at either the Civic Center or Northampton Municipal Park (behind Welch.) The Summer league is targeted to run from Mid-June – 1st week in August with games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday evenings. The nights on which any group will play have not yet been determined and will depend on the number of teams.  There will be no practices.  While we are targeting a total of 8 games per group + playoffs.

Because games will not be played on a set night, “exclusion night” requests will NOT be honored.  Also, please do not include a “friend request” as part of your child’s registration.  “Friend requests” will NOT be taken into consideration when forming teams.

Thanks for your support